Children and Youth
Children are a cherished part of St. Brendan’s, and we encourage our children and youth to be an active part of our community through worship, service, and socializing. On any given Sunday, you’ll see kids serving as acolytes or ushers, singing in the children’s choir, playing in the chime choir, helping plant and harvest produce in the Garden of Hope, collecting donations for the food pantry, and participating in numerous other projects and events at St. Brendan’s.
Children and Youth Sundays
The last Sunday of every month between September and May is a children's liturgy when children and youth take the lead in participating in the service. These services feature special children's lectionary readings, sermon, and engage children and youth throughout the worship service as they lead the singing, reading the lectionary, and leading the prayers of the people; our young people asl serve as ushers, and assist with communion.
A "Toddler's Table" is situated in the back of the church every Sunday. If your toddler or young preschooler needs space to move around or some toy/item to engage with during worship, feel free to utilize this space for such times. We believe that children still learn and benefit from being in church, even during play.
Sunday School
Sunday school occurs during the 10 am service every Sunday from September through May, excluding children and youth Sundays. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade begin the service with their families for the opening hymn, after which they are invited to Sunday school with a prayer. They return for communion with their families. Sunday school provides an opportunity for children to get to know God and the Church in a format and setting where they can engage, participate, question, discuss, and be kids!
Sunday school lessons are centered in the Sparkhouse/Whirl Lectionary curriculum. That means we follow the Revised Common Lectionary and structure lessons for children with age appropriate readings and lessons aligned with the Sparkhouse curriculum. You can read more about this program here.
All of St. Brendan’s Sunday school teachers and leaders are required to have up-to date clearances and go through the Episcopal Church’s “Safe Church, Safe Communities” program. This is a free program that anyone can complete online through the Diocese of Pittsburgh. This program can be completed in a fairly short amount of time and is useful and informative for all church members, not just those working directly with children. Additional information on clearances here.
Youth Group (6th - 12th Grade)
The youth groups meets on the third Monday of each month. Through youth group, St. Brendan's youth are encouraged to deepen their relationships with Jesus through the study of scripture, through discussions of modern life lived with faith, and by exploring one’s call to service. Meetings include a fun activity, biblical readings, and discussion on a theme. All youth from 6th grade through 12th grade are invited to join our youth group to put our faith into action.
Childcare for infants through age four is available during the 10 am Sunday service in the Nursery. Our nursery director is Liz MacDonald. We also staff our nursery with volunteers. Please check the Navigator's Log to see when the nursery is available. Two adults (or one adult and one teen) provide a fun, caring environment for the children in a warm and inviting nursery room. Parents are asked to gather their child(ren) prior to Holy Communion.
Children & Youth Calendar
Beyond St. Brendan's
Check out these other youth opportunities in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh.