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Worship Ministries


Acolytes assist the Priest-in-Charge during the 10:00 a.m. service. Depending on their availability, we can have as many as seven or as few as one or two who serve. We’d love to have seven every Sunday! Any young person who is ready to take on this responsibility can be an acolyte. Anelisa Tarrant is the Acolyte Master. She trains each person and works closely with the priest so that all goes well.


Altar Flowers

Libby Juel is our Flower Minister. She makes sure that flowers adorn our altar for the Sunday services. Parishioners donate the flowers in honor of family celebrations, for blessings received and in memory of loved ones.


Altar Guild

It is the ministry of the Altar Guild to care for the altar and the sanctuary of the church and to prepare the altar and sanctuary for any services that are to take place. In addition to preparing for weekly services, responsibilities include caring for the altar linens and vestments, caring for the vessels, candles, offering plates, etc., ordering and maintaining supplies and preparing sanctuary for major religious holidays and events. The sacristans prepare for the two Sunday and one mid-week services; we also prepare whatever the minister requires for baptisms, weddings and funerals.


Lay Ministry

A group of Lay Ministers take Holy Communion to our sick and homebound members at various times of the week. Currently, there are five trained and licensed members of St. Brendan’s serving in this ministry. They and others assist the Rector in distributing Holy Communion as Chalice Bearers during the 10:00 a.m. service and as Host Bearers whenever necessary.



Our liturgies include Bible passages that are read by members of the congregation, either in person from the lectern to one side of the altar or in the form of a recording that they make at home during the week. A schedule for each month is circulated in advance, each lector being assigned to read at most one day per month. Lectors can arrange to exchange dates if they are going to be unavailable on the date in question. No great skill is required (if you read books to your children or grandchildren, you can serve as a lector) and coaching is readily available for anyone who requests it.


St. Brendan's is blessed with many talented members of the congregation. Our music director Daniel May coordinates the liturgical music at St. Brendan's and ensures that our services are blessed with beautiful music. Sharing their gifts of talent and time, the choir continues its ministry at St. Brendan’s by providing an added dimension to our worship service. The music is a mix of classical and contemporary. Experience is not necessary only the love of music. Choir rehearsals are held on Sunday morning before the 10:00 a.m. church service and on Monday evening at 5:00 p.m. Attendance at rehearsal is not mandatory. From time to time, other members accompany the choir on musical instruments.


Ushers serve as another set of greeters at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service. Welcoming everyone to St. Brendan’s at the entrance to the sanctuary. When necessary, they point out the large print books and hearing aids available for use. Ushers direct people to the chairs and answer questions from visitors and parishioners alike. They take up the collection during the Offertory Hymn and direct each row of parishioners moving forward for Communion. Following the service, ushers straighten the chairs and books and generally organize the building for the next service.


Safety and Security Committee

The Safety and Security Committee’s discussions range widely. We consider the many ways in which the safety and security of our parish members, their guests and those who rent our premises can be assured. This includes everything from learning who owns keys to which of our doors to updating our emergency signage, and from best practices in tracking cash donations to conducting periodic fire drills and training our team of Stewards (volunteer supervisors of everyone’s safety and security during our Sunday morning services).


Welcome Table and Greeters

What a fun way to meet people! Our Greeters are involved with greeting everyone as they enter the church. We especially want to welcome visitors and newcomers. The Greeters hold the door open, say “Hi” to everyone, introduce themselves to visitors and lead them to the Welcome Table to get a nametag. The Welcome Table folks explain about the service for those who are not Episcopalians, tell newcomers about Sunday School and the Nursery if needed, point out the restrooms and coat room and invite everyone to the coffee hour after the service. Sign up for taking your turn at the Welcome Table and/or as a Greeter before the 10 a.m. service. We have a rotating group so you do not have to commit to every Sunday.


Worship Committee

The Worship Committee meets periodically throughout the year to look ahead and prepare for the seasons of the church calendar. Representatives of the Altar Guild and choir meet with the clergy to discuss and plan ways to make worship more accessible and meaningful. 

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