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*The directory is secured and only available to current members. Click the link to request access if needed. 


Interested in Becoming a Member?


Any baptized person is welcome to become a member of St. Brendan's! The Episcopal Church recognizes as Christian all persons who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). If you have not been baptized, our Priest would be happy to talk with you more about baptism. 


If you were baptized in or a member at another Episcopal Church or other denominational church, you may have been enrolled as a member of that congregation. You may ask your previous church to transfer your letter of baptism to St. Brendan's, which will officially enroll you as a member of St. Brendan's.


More importantly, we want to make sure we can communicate with you! If you haven't already, email our office to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Navigator's Log,  and add your contact information to the parish directory.


Many of our members, especially if they come from a different denomination or faith backgrounds, also choose to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. And all adult members are encouraged to pursue confirmation or reaffirmation, as they feel called. In confirmation ‘we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.’ If you are interested in confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation, please speak with our priest.


All adult (16+), confirmed members in good standing are eligible to run for the Vestry and represent the congregation in the diocese.​


Want to Be More Involved? Have an Idea for a New Ministry?  


St. Brendan's encourages all members, whether they have been attending for one month or ten years, to get involved with service and fellowship activities. Our priest or one of our vestry members would be happy to speak with you further about your interests and connect you to others in the parish who may share your callings!


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