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Hello craft and holiday vendors!​


St. Brendan’s is pleased to announce that it is once again holding its Holiday Happenings/Cookie Walk event, and are looking for vendors who would like to participate.  We would love to have you join us! 


The event will be held on Saturday, November 19 from 9:00am through 2:00pm at St. Brendan's Episcopal Church, 2365 McAleer Road, Franklin Park, PA. We do attract quite a few people between our craft show, cookie walk, and other events.


The cost for a booth is $50.  We will provide a 6 ft. table, a few chairs and an electrical outlet if needed.  Coffee and donuts will be provided to all vendors.  If possible, we would appreciate a donation from your products before November 19 (or early morning of that day) to be part of our door prizes.


Please let us know if you are interested.  We have room for 31 vendors, so let us know as soon as possible to guarantee your space and get a priority location.  Attached is a reservation form which has additional information.   If you would like to reserve a table, please send us your completed form along with your check as soon as possible. 


If you have any questions, please contact Donna Aiello ( or 412-759-1521).


We hope you’ll join us in helping to make the beginning of the holiday season sparkle for all those who attend!  Thank you!



Donna Aiello, Co-Chair


Click here download a copy of the vendor application.

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