Join our Hallelujah Choir!
In our Sunday, April 19, service we featured a video of many folks singing a joyful song called "Halle Hallelujah." We are inviting as many members of St. Brendan's (along with their friends and family) to do an individual video and send it to St. Brendan's. Each new video will be added to the main video each week. Eventually we hope to have over 100 people singing "Halle Hallelujah" together! It should be a fun way to spice up our weekly streaming service.
Here's how to record the video:
Play the audio guide on your computer or laptop. Listen to the track with headphones or earbuds plugged into your computer. Then record a video on a cell phone while singing to the track. If one wears headphones or earbuds, the guide track will not be audible on the video. This is ideal for a clean recording. It's that simple! If you need help or have any questions whatsoever, please contact our music director Daniel May and he will be glad to assist you.
Download the audio guide track here. (Link directs to a google drive MP3 file. Look for the download button in the upper right hand corner.)
Download the sheet music here.
Click here to email your video to St. Brendan's!
Watch the May 17 version from our Sunday Service below!