Let's Raise the Roof for St. Brendan's
Update 3/24/23:
As funding for the Roof Appeal—now the Roof-And- Another-Capital-Project Appeal!—continues to pour in, we are overwhelmed by the generosity that members of the St. Brendan’s family have shown. As of Wednesday, we had $50,400 in hand from 58 contributors. Both totals
speak to the high value that Brendanites place on their membership in our community of faith. And there are still three weeks left for you to join this
party! If you would like to make a contribution (large or small—it makes no difference), please see details below.
Our mascot, Dublin, is in lyrical mood this week, crooning the Elvis Presley hit, “It’s SNOUT or never!”
The Challenge: Three decades of Pittsburgh weather—snow and sun, wind and rain—have beaten up the roof beneath which we meet to worship every Sunday. And the tall trees that we enjoy watching through the windows behind the altar have clogged our gutters. It’s no wonder that we now face challenges.
Shingles have lifted and shifted.
Nail heads
have popped.
Fascia and soffits have rotted
An independent expert who examined the roof last fall isolated these—and others—as problems that made total replacement the only possible course of action.
Powered and secured by Tithe.ly Church Giving
Please note that the Tithe.ly widget charges St. Brendan's a small fee for each donation (2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction). We ask you to consider selecting the option to "cover fees" to help St. Brendan's benefit from the full value of your donation.
The Solution: Last fall, the Vestry appointed a committee to figure out what needed to be done, and by whom. Our best estimate today is that the total cost for replacing the roof will be at least $100,000. To be sure, this is still only an estimate because we cannot know what damage contractors may find when they remove the existing shingles. But the good news is that the expert we consulted initially does not anticipate widespread damage.
But there is good news! We have already identified sources for more than 70% of what we need.
• The Diocese awarded us a grant of $40,000
• The Vestry allocated over $33,000 from our own “rainy day” reserve funds
• Some gifts have already been contributed by generous Brendanites
• And in April, we will apply for another grant from a statewide Episcopal church trust
A Special Appeal: All of which leads us to the need to launch a special appeal for funding specifically to supply the $30,000 we will need to pay for replacing our roof.
You can download the full appeal presentation here.
Target: $30,000
Launch: February 19
Conclusion: April 16
How Can You Contribute?: In general, there are two ways to contribute:
By Check. You can of course write a check, add “Roof Appeal” in the Memo line on the check, and then deposit it in the collection plate or mail it to the Church Office.
Online using the button below.
Your gift will of course be individually acknowledged and we will be happy to supply whatever documentation you may need when filing your 2023 income taxes. Please bear in mind that contributions to the Roof Appeal are needed exclusively to pay for the new roof and cannot substitute for your annual payments, which are already allocated as part of St. Brendan's operating budget. Any funds collected in excess of our target will be reserved in a fund designated specifically for future capital projects.
Powered and secured by Tithe.ly Church Giving
Please note that the Tithe.ly widget charges St. Brendan's a small fee for each donation (2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction). We ask you to consider selecting the option to "cover fees" to help St. Brendan's benefit from the full value of your donation.
How Much Should One Contribute?: Only you can know what is a fair and faithful amount for you to contribute. Everyone’s situation is different and, as Jesus stressed in the Parable of the Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:41–44 and Luke 21:1–4), what matters is not the size of the contribution but the spirit in which it is given.
Still, we do understand that some people appreciate a little guidance. We hope that the following information may be helpful, at least to those who have already supported St. Brendan’s with a pledge for 2023: If everyone who sent in a pledge for 2023 were to contribute to the Roof Appeal an additional amount equal to 15% of that pledge, then we would reach our target.
A Prayer for the Success of Our Appeal
Good and Gracious God, we thank you for all those who have worshiped in this place for more than thirty years. We know that the Holy Spirit inspired some as they longed for this church, others as they built this church, and still others as they lovingly and boldly led this church through times of abundance and times of scarcity. Help us now to play our part in continuing that story, giving whatever we are able to give as a symbol both of our gratitude to them and of our trust in the exciting ministry for which you are always preparing us through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Adapted from a prayer posted online by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington