Ways to Pray: Prayer through Art
We generally think of prayer as a something we read, say, or listen to. But prayer can also be a visual experience. As the saying goes, “a p
Ways to Pray: Meditation and Movement
Psalm 46:10 reads: “Be still and know that I am God.” In this week’s blog post, learn different ways to quiet your own thoughts and make spa
Ways to Pray: Taizé
This past year at St. Brendan’s we have been regularly singing Taize during communion at our 10 am service. Taize, a form of contemporary li
Ways to Pray: Praying Together through the Community of Hope
This week’s blog post in the Lenten “Ways to Pray” series, looks at one way members of St. Brendan’s pray together—through the Community of
Ways to Pray: The Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP), is a great place to find prayers for every occasion. Though we only use a small portion of the BCP on Sunda
Preparing for Lent
Check out some Lenten resources, see what’s going on at St. Brendan’s, and get a sneak peak at what is coming up on the blog during Lent.